Contribute a dataset or a shapefile to the Czoernig Data Hub
Czoernig welcomes all contributions to the collection of Central and East European historical datasets and shapefiles. So, if you have an idle dataset, which you have already analyzed, written up in a paper and had the research published in a journal, why not make the data available to colleagues and fellow researchers around the world?
While most of the files currently in the data hub are excel files, other formats are welcome also.
Shapefiles usually come in the form of a zip file and that is the practice adopted here at Czoernig also.
It is preferable (though by no means mandatory), if your dataset replicates the structure of the statistical publication from which it is sourced because it makes for easier navigation of the document.
If your dataset contains variables created by you (that were not published in the original document on which you draw) or other insider jargon, comments, abbreviations or features that would not be readily understood by other users, please make that clear either in your message upon submission or in a separate email to the curator of the collection.
Should you wish to impose any restrictions on how accessible your dataset should be, please also contact the curator of the website.