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Population change: Cisleithania 1889
Data on marriages, births and deaths in Cisleithania for the year 1889, including splits into live vs still-births, legitimate vs illegitimate births, deaths by age; by district / Bezirkhauptmannschaft
births, deaths, marriages, population change, district, men, women, demography, Cisleithania, bezirkhauptmannschaft, 1889, stillbirths, illegitimate, 1880s
Geographical extent:
Year(s) covered by data:
Unit of observation:
districts / Bezirkhauptmannschaft
Source type:
government survey
Transcription originator:
Tomas Cvrcek
Recommended citation:
Cvrcek, Tomas. "Population change: Cisleithania 1889." The CZOERNIG Datahub., 2022.
Any note of caution:
nothing I'm aware of
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