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Survey of primary schools: Cisleithania 1875

A government survey of primary schools in Cisleithania in 1875, covering schools by type, language of instruction, including information on staff, salary expenditure, enrolment et.; data organized by school district


teachers, enrolment, education, Cisleithania, Volksschule, language of instruction, primary school, schooling expenditure, religion, teacher salary, 1875

Geographical extent:


Year(s) covered by data: 


Unit of observation:

school district

Source type:

government survey

Transcription originator:

Tomas Cvrcek

Recommended citation:

Cvrček, Tomáš. Schooling Under Control: The Origins of Public Education in Imperial Austria 1769-1869. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 2020

Any note of caution:

Please note that the school districts in Styria and in Galicia did not overlap with civil districts. Some Bohemian districts were split by language of instruction (Czech and German).

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