Annual time series (indices and physical quantities and values in 1913 prices) of manufacturing and mining production in Cisleithania (Imperial Austria) and Transleithania (Hungary)
A government survey of primary schools in Cisleithania in 1875, covering schools by type, language of instruction, including information on staff, salary expenditure, enrolment et.; data organized by school district
A government survey of primary schools, their type, language of instruction, staffing, salary expenditure, enrolment; by school district and civil district (Bezirkahuptmannschaft)
A dataset of about 2300 primary school pupils from several villages in Bohemia, containing information on their school attendance by month in the school year 1864-1865
Data on marriages, births and deaths in Cisleithania for the year 1889, including splits into live vs still-births, legitimate vs illegitimate births, deaths by age; by district / Bezirkhauptmannschaft
A survey of the equipment, staffing and enrolment of primary schools in Cisleithania in the school-year 1870-1, by school district and by civil district (Bezirkhauptmannschaft)
1880 census data on the composition of Cisleithanian population in terms of gender, religion, literacy, birthplace, selected health conditions and language